Discover Unique

Singles Events

in Wollongong.

If you're looking for friends, or a new romantic connection, join us.

Looking for a more relaxed, inclusive, and supportive way to meet new people and potentially find a romantic connection?

Our singles events in Wollongong are designed just for you!

A Fun and Facilitated Experience

Our events are all about creating a comfortable environment where you can truly be yourself. We've ditched the high-pressure format of traditional speed dating and replaced it with fun, facilitated activities that make connecting with others easy and enjoyable.

Connect Through Conversation Cards and Games

Forget the awkward silences and forced small talk. Our events feature specially designed conversation cards and interactive games to help break the ice and spark genuine connections. Whether you're looking to make new friends or find that special someone, you'll find our approach refreshing and engaging.

Woman's arm resting next to two glasses of wine and a word game on the table

Inclusive and Supportive Atmosphere

We believe in fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and valued. Our events are inclusive, ensuring that all singles, regardless of background or experience, can participate and have a great time. We create a supportive environment where you can meet like-minded individuals and build meaningful connections.

Why Choose Our Singles Events?

  • Relaxed Environment: No pressure, no rush. Take your time to get to know people in a comfortable setting.

  • Facilitated Fun: Our hosts guide the event, providing structure and support to help you connect naturally.

  • Inclusive Atmosphere: Everyone is welcome, and our events are designed to be enjoyable for all.

  • Genuine Connections: Move beyond small talk with activities that encourage deep and meaningful conversations.

Join Us for the Next Event

Ready to experience a new way to meet singles in Wollongong? Join us at our next event and see for yourself how different and enjoyable singles events can be. Make new friends, have fun, and maybe even find a romantic connection in a relaxed and supportive environment.

Encouraging words from other singles

“It was great and everyone is feeling the same discomfort so just do it!”

“Get yourself out of your comfort zone, meet new people and be open to new experiences!”

“You've got nothing to lose. It was a great night.”

“Come and experience it. There is no judgement if you want to bail out. It's a safe and fun way to meet other people.”

“Go for it pal!”

“Such a relaxed and social evening meeting others. Felt everyone was inclusive creating a fun night out… Highly recommend for something different in meeting another single pringle.”

Your hosts

Gretel Van Lane

I thrive on creating events where people can have fun, make meaningful connections, and feel comfortable coming solo. My mission is to ensure everyone can enjoy relaxed fun and be themselves.

With over 15 years of experience as a facilitator and communications specialist, I have collaborated with purpose-driven organisations to spark engagement around social issues. My expertise lies in fostering connections, nurturing relationships, and bridging communities.

Running singles events has become my latest passion project. I’m dedicated to crafting unique, engaging experiences where singles can mingle in a welcoming atmosphere and ignite genuine connections. Whether it's through intimate dialogues over dinner or relaxed gatherings with conversation cards and games.

Adara Enthaler

As a professional MC, I've hosted events all over Dharawal Land in the last decade - including Enough Said Poetry Slam and the South Coast Writers Festival - and that's because my absolute favourite thing is to facilitate events that are fun, fulfilling and safe for my community.

As a solopoly woman, I'm a huge supporter of finding the joy in dating, and whether you're looking for casual connections or a lifelong lover, I'm here to help you on your romantic endeavours.


Is this a speed dating event?

It’s better than speed dating! There will be 4-6 people at each table and you’ll have 15-20min to play a game, or answer a set of conversation cards. There will be 5-7 rounds over the 2 hours, so you’ll meet many people, but probably not everyone - unless you choose to sit at their table for the final round.

What should I expect at the event?

Expect a warm welcome, a relaxed atmosphere, and a series of facilitated activities designed to help you connect with others.

Is there a dress code?

No strict dress code. We recommend wearing something that makes your feel relaxed and confident.

What if I'm shy or nervous?

Our hosts are experienced in creating a supportive environment, and our activities are designed to make everyone feel comfortable. You'll be in good hands!

Where do you run these events?

All our events are run in Wollongong and the surrounding region.

Not ready to join our next event, but still want to keep up to date for when you’re ready to take the plunge?

No worries! Sign up to our mailing list, and we’ll keep you informed about upcoming events and how you can get involved when the time is right. We hope to see you soon!

More encouraging words

“There is something special, real and palpable about laughing together, catching the sparkle in another’s eyes and talking with people about things that resonate, that can’t be replicated in the online singles world. The Singles Night was a fun, light-hearted and safe way to meet new people. I highly recommend it.”

“Great way to meet new people that are in the same boat allowing you to become more comfortable. When going out it’s not easy to be able to go up to people. I attend a lot of business networks and it is the same manner in the start can be daunting but having ice breaks games and conversation cards allows to think outside the square plus drinks.”

“In the words of Wayne Gretzky: you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

“Take the risk. You never know what might come out of it.”

“Do it.”

“So refreshing to have a new format to meet new people. Consider it an easy icebreaker to get to know new people and at the very least make new friends.”

“Give it a go, it can’t hurt.”

“There is no pressure to be accepted just come and have fun.”

“The singles nights are loads of fun. Everybody starts out a bit nervous but once you realise everyone is in the same boat it gets easier to relax and enjoy.”

“Go, you never know.
Zero pressure, many laughs.”